Puro Instinct

JUst yesterday one very good man showed me a new smashing band from west coast, called Puro Instinct. I predict them a long live in my iPod which is – as the matter of fact  – an uncommon thing for my always-moving-changing world. Young, Promising, Talented  Kaplan sisters – Skylar (16) and Piper (23) – are playing hazed, dreamy, melodic, light and moving music that is worth your attention if you’re into dream-pop and shoegaze aesthetics.

Puro Instinct feat. Ariel Pink ‘Stilyagi’ from Marcus Herring on Vimeo.

Beady Eye live @ GlavClub, Saint-Petersburg

  So long ago since i last visited any live gigs. So long ago since i last wrote an article for my blog. Yes, life on Mars ‘ve been kinda difficult-thing since my exams in university has started. I must admit i’ve been a reckless girl. Should have prepared better. But the summer has started and my head is somewhere higher than the clouds. Hope you, guys, haven’t thought that i’ve completely left the Milky-Way galaxy. No, i’m still here with you.  Sometimes i even become social.:)
  This time i wanted to tell you about my Beady Eye live gig experience. If you are interested..and even if’ you’re not.  Here we are. I wasn’t even suspecting of them to come here, but a friend of mine told me so i’ve decided to go. I’ve heard that Liam is a bad boy, just wanted to assure myself. Never was a big Oasis fan, but at least i used to hear all of their albums, some of them even more than once. They really were the spitit of 90’s. And i do really love the 90’s, espesially the music. Fantastic! But Oasis’ve never been touring even close to these places.

All the Pictures used in this article are taken by a great photographer from Saint-Petersburg – Maria Mitrofanova. Hope she don’t mind me using her shoots.

  After another big squabble with Liam, Noel has left the band. And just before he left he released a solo album The Dreams We Have as Children (Live for Teenage Cancer Trust)” on March 2009 which happened to be the beggining of the end. Later that year the band fell apart. And brothers begun to move in their own different ways. Liam formed a band called “Beady Eye” with other musicians from Oasis. Guys released their debut album “Different Gear, Still Speeding” in February 2011, and it sounds even more retrospective than you could imagine, but still great though and so rock’n’roll.
  Back to the main story..Beady Eye finally came to Saint-Petersburg city. Stylish and tough they were seen at LED airport on 2 June 2011. Watch it here!

Лиам Галлахер и его Beady Eye прибыли в Петербург (ВИДЕО)
Британская рок-группа Beady Eye, по сути являющаяся последним составом легендарных Oasis, только без Ноэля Галлахера, прилетела в Петербург с концертом. 

Читать далее >>

  No matter they came beforehand, guys were late for the show, luckily for me. Cause i was also late. But when they started  – it was a damn hurricane! In a good meaning of course! Their live sound is amazing, even better than what you hear on the record. So powerfull. Makes you wanna jump from the first chords. What could make Liam dance – i don’t know – maybe if only England took the Football World Cup last year. But that definitely would not be a stage event, i can guarantee. On stage he’s brutal and do not talk a lot.
The public was great. I think some guys were waiting for this moment to come for their entire lives so they were very well prepared. Likely, neither Liam nor the other band members did not expect such an effort.

You can make sure with a little help of the videos i’ve recorded for you:

And some amazing photos by Maria Mitrofanova for a dessert.

"A Man Who Fell To Earth" on Blu-Ray

  I seem to watch it once..Also i remember that i liked the film though it caused quite unexplainable feelings. Strangely enough, but details of the plot has drown in the ocean of my recollection. Maybe my mind was hazed..a little on that glorious morning. Does it really matter?
  Anyways, what I wanted to tell you, my dear readers, is that you better watch it yourself. And you are pretty lucky cause it’s going to be released on Blu-Ray on April 4th. In a greater quality! Mmm, i think now i’m sure about one of the top-positions in my 2011 Birthday wish-list (murmuring).
  Today i was surfing NME mag’s web-site..from where i stole the info & something “for a dessert”. Look through and ENJOY!

Behind the scenes on David Bowie’s The Man Who Fell To Earth

A digitally restored version of the classic sci-fi film The Man Who Fell To Earth, starring David Bowie, is released on blu-ray for the first time on April 4. To mark the occasion we’re taking an exclusive look behind the scenes on the set.
 The film was based on a 1963 novel of the same name by Walter Tevis, who also wrote The Hustler. The plot concerns an alien who crash lands on earth, seeking to get water back to his planet which is in the throes of a severe drought. Here’s a shot of Bowie in hair and make up for the film.
It was Bowie’s first film role. Director Nic Roeg realised Bowie was perfect for the lead role when he happened to catch the singer’s edgy appearance in tour documentary Cracked Actor. Here’s a shot of a Bowie with the clapperboard from the set.
Roeg praised Bowie in an interview with Creem saying: “I think a lot of rock stars think they can just transfer the art of their personality to film. David is quite an exception to the rule”. Here’s Bowie with Roeg and co-star Candy Clark.
Filming took place in the latter half of 1975. In between shooting Bowie read, wrote short stories and practiced filming on a 16mm newsreel camera he was given by Roeg. Here’s a shot of Bowie and Larry Sanders Show co-star Rip Thorn being given direction from Roeg.
Bowie also wrote some songs which were intended for the film soundtrack. One of these tracks was ‘Subterraneans’ which ended up on ‘Low’. Roeg decided against using Bowie songs for the film, instead opting to go with Stomu Yamashta’s score. Here’s a shot of Bowie reading a biography of Buster Keaton, in preparation for a planned biopic.
Bowie’s sessions for the soundtrack took place in late ’75, following the recording of ‘Station To Station’. Speaking in 2007, arranger Paul Buckmaster, who was involved in the sessions, said he didn’t think the music produced was “really what Roeg was looking for”. In ’77 Bowie sent a copy of ‘Low’ to Roeg with a note attached which said: ‘This is what I wanted to do for the film’.
In an on-set interview with Creem Bowie said: “Working with Nic is nice because we get on well, we understand one another. There’s a marvelous chemistry between us. He’s very sensitive to everything that’s going on. He’s brilliant.” Here’s a shot of Roeg, Bowie and son Duncan Jones.
Filming did not go smoothly. Cameras were jammed for no reason, rowdy Hell’s Angels interrupted filming of a scene on an old Aztec burial ground and Bowie was ill for two days after drinking contaminated milk. Here’s Bowie in full ‘alien’ costume.
Jim Lovell, the Spacecraft Commander of the dramatic Apollo 13 flight, made an appearance in the film as himself. In one scene he congratulates Bowie’s character. Here’s shot of Lovell with Bowie on-set.
American Graffiti actress Candy Clark played the cheerfully coarse chambermaid Mary-Lou. Clark, who was dating Roeg at the time, is pictured here on set with Bowie.
In 1999, Roeg said: “With The Man Who Fell To Earth I wanted to get rid of any sense of time, because it’s surprising how often we mention it in our lives.” Here he is with Bowie and Candy Clark.

All the information has been taken from HERE

  • Photo: Canal+ Image UK Ltd
  • Added: Mar 30, 2011

Inspiration Source: Kate Moss by Nick Knight

Published in: VOGUE ilaly december 2010
Photographer: Nick Knight
Model: Kate Moss
Film Editor: Jamie Harley
Fashion Editor: Edward Enninful
Hair: Sam McKnight at Premier
Make-Up: Val Garland at Streeters London
Music: Evan Voytas,Cascine – Tomorrow Night We’ll Go Anywhere
More details: showstudio.com/​project/​editing_kate/​ 

  Not a long ago my good acquaintance and young fashion designer from Saint-Petersburg Kate Why-Not sent me that adorable new wideo with Kate Moss. What can i say…Does she ever age?! Don’t think so..I can feel that her spirit is Forever Young (!!!). And she still looks incredible..Blonde, Brunette, whatever! Short, Long Haired..No matter! Maybe she is not a beauty idol, but for me she always was a human goddess in fashion. Rewinding my memory..to my 13th birthday..back then i wished to be like her.
  Now Kate is 37 years old (born 16 January 1974) but she still looks great, and she’s still a  total blam-blam. This new photosession proves it one more time. Kate is a master of transformations.
(1974-01-16) P.S. Draw your attention to the stylization of these shoots..it’s so 60’s inspired!

P.P.S. And don’t forget to share your impressions with me!