"A Man Who Fell To Earth" on Blu-Ray

  I seem to watch it once..Also i remember that i liked the film though it caused quite unexplainable feelings. Strangely enough, but details of the plot has drown in the ocean of my recollection. Maybe my mind was hazed..a little on that glorious morning. Does it really matter?
  Anyways, what I wanted to tell you, my dear readers, is that you better watch it yourself. And you are pretty lucky cause it’s going to be released on Blu-Ray on April 4th. In a greater quality! Mmm, i think now i’m sure about one of the top-positions in my 2011 Birthday wish-list (murmuring).
  Today i was surfing NME mag’s web-site..from where i stole the info & something “for a dessert”. Look through and ENJOY!

Behind the scenes on David Bowie’s The Man Who Fell To Earth

A digitally restored version of the classic sci-fi film The Man Who Fell To Earth, starring David Bowie, is released on blu-ray for the first time on April 4. To mark the occasion we’re taking an exclusive look behind the scenes on the set.
 The film was based on a 1963 novel of the same name by Walter Tevis, who also wrote The Hustler. The plot concerns an alien who crash lands on earth, seeking to get water back to his planet which is in the throes of a severe drought. Here’s a shot of Bowie in hair and make up for the film.
It was Bowie’s first film role. Director Nic Roeg realised Bowie was perfect for the lead role when he happened to catch the singer’s edgy appearance in tour documentary Cracked Actor. Here’s a shot of a Bowie with the clapperboard from the set.
Roeg praised Bowie in an interview with Creem saying: “I think a lot of rock stars think they can just transfer the art of their personality to film. David is quite an exception to the rule”. Here’s Bowie with Roeg and co-star Candy Clark.
Filming took place in the latter half of 1975. In between shooting Bowie read, wrote short stories and practiced filming on a 16mm newsreel camera he was given by Roeg. Here’s a shot of Bowie and Larry Sanders Show co-star Rip Thorn being given direction from Roeg.
Bowie also wrote some songs which were intended for the film soundtrack. One of these tracks was ‘Subterraneans’ which ended up on ‘Low’. Roeg decided against using Bowie songs for the film, instead opting to go with Stomu Yamashta’s score. Here’s a shot of Bowie reading a biography of Buster Keaton, in preparation for a planned biopic.
Bowie’s sessions for the soundtrack took place in late ’75, following the recording of ‘Station To Station’. Speaking in 2007, arranger Paul Buckmaster, who was involved in the sessions, said he didn’t think the music produced was “really what Roeg was looking for”. In ’77 Bowie sent a copy of ‘Low’ to Roeg with a note attached which said: ‘This is what I wanted to do for the film’.
In an on-set interview with Creem Bowie said: “Working with Nic is nice because we get on well, we understand one another. There’s a marvelous chemistry between us. He’s very sensitive to everything that’s going on. He’s brilliant.” Here’s a shot of Roeg, Bowie and son Duncan Jones.
Filming did not go smoothly. Cameras were jammed for no reason, rowdy Hell’s Angels interrupted filming of a scene on an old Aztec burial ground and Bowie was ill for two days after drinking contaminated milk. Here’s Bowie in full ‘alien’ costume.
Jim Lovell, the Spacecraft Commander of the dramatic Apollo 13 flight, made an appearance in the film as himself. In one scene he congratulates Bowie’s character. Here’s shot of Lovell with Bowie on-set.
American Graffiti actress Candy Clark played the cheerfully coarse chambermaid Mary-Lou. Clark, who was dating Roeg at the time, is pictured here on set with Bowie.
In 1999, Roeg said: “With The Man Who Fell To Earth I wanted to get rid of any sense of time, because it’s surprising how often we mention it in our lives.” Here he is with Bowie and Candy Clark.

All the information has been taken from HERE

  • Photo: Canal+ Image UK Ltd
  • Added: Mar 30, 2011

Jessickas fave movies

What are some of your favorite movies?
The Last Unicorn, The Breakfast Club, Pretty In Pink, Some Kind Of Wonderful, Palindromes, The Science Of Sleep, Little Miss Sunshine, The Wizard Of Oz, Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory, The Exorcist, Poltergeist, Phantasm, Whatever Happened To Baby Jane?, Sid And Nancy, Storytelling, Opera, City Of Lost Children, The Silence of the Lambs , Role Models, Suspiria, Female Trouble, True Romance, Human Traffic, Run Lola Run, Blue Velvet, Wild At Heart, Amelie, Pink Flamingos, Meet The Feebles, Ghost World, Stepbrothers, Freeway, Freaks, But I’m a Cheerleader, Willard, River’s Edge, Rubin & Ed, Buffalo 66, One Hour Photo, Hedwig And The Angry Inch, and Mulholland Drive.

The Time Warp: Back in the Rocky Horror Picture Show

Well, one of my most beloved musicals ever – The Rocky Horror Picture Show – inspired lots of people all over the world, including me of course and Marilyn Manson!) And i must render its due – cause it has kept it’s position through years and became one of those cult movies (i meant the movie that was filmed right after the musical, it was directed by Jim Sharman, if i’m not mistaken) we always get back to. No matter if we were born in 70s, 80s, 90s or 00s – it’s still superfun, catching, moving, electric & full of iconic characters. Now it gets back to us with the help of popular TV show – Glee, that made a tribute and released it before Halloween 2010. Actually i didn’t know  about it up to now. I just saw Even Rachel Wood dressed up as Magenta and decided to check out the reason. See. That’s how things happen. Surprisingly.


and NOW:

THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW 1975 film (pictures):

 Magenta & Rif Raf
 Magenta, Dr. Frank’n’Furter & Columbia
 Magenta & Columbia
 Magenta & Rif Raf
 Magenta & Rif Raf
 Tim Curry (the actor)
 Dr. Frank’n’ Furter
 Columbia & Magenta
 Magenta, Frank, Columbia
 Dr. Frank’n’Furter
 the song in the end
Rif Raf, Frank’n’Furter, Magenta
she looks amazing as Magenta, doesn’t she!?

We are so perfect. Immaculate.

Oneday you just wake up & realize you’re different. Freedom kisses you individually. And you become more cherished by the others..or not cherished. Anyway you grew up into smth more powerful. Don’t be afraid of that…
Laying at home. All sick again. So tired to be weak that i can’t help crying. Alone with thoughts and whispers. I wish i was somewhere far away…maybe travel in time and get to Coachella 2010. But anyway i have enough time to watch all the movies i had no time for…I’ve already seen “Dorian Grey” which is okay (i like directors vision, it’s really good screen version of the book, but if i had to choose i’d prefer the original) and “S.Darko” which is a sequel of my fave “Donnie Darko” movie. I think i must share a few words about that..Even lots of people say it’s a silly attempt to copy genious “Donnie Darko” by Richard Kelly i would rather say it’s “following the same road with another wind direction”. The idea is in the air, but so heated up that it’s not easy to touch. You have to travel to the other side of the screen to get it. And think different. Not in “category” notion. I’m not going to speak about the plot – you better watch it yourself than reading “reviews”. I liked the heroes: Sam, Iraq Jack, Randy, sultry girlfriend Corey. The music during the movie was just amazing!!! Ed Harcourt made the score OST fantastically. Bonus tracks just broke my heart –
The Chemical Brothers – Alive Alone; Catherine Wheel – Black Metallic; and in the end of the film…i didn’t expect it – Cocteau Twins – Heaven Or Las Vegas – almost send shivers of pleasure down my spine. Camera’s man work is quite as good as in “DD”.

Corey: Only two more good mornings.
Sam: Only one more day.
Corey: We are so perfect.
Sam: Immaculate.