Twenty Six between life & death: Gia Marie Carangi

Some stories falls on us from the sky..I mean it’s like you had to know something about someone. In the end of december 2010 i was walking around the supermarket when i surprisingly took a new issue of magazine “*****” and the article that opened immediately was about Gia Carangi, a supermodel of late 70s and early 80s. I heaven’t read that article back then, but her name permanently stuck in my mind. Later, when i was working on “Beauty over Ages” series of posts for my blog i heard that name again – Gia Marie Carangi. But this time i got to know her story better. She was one of those beautiful & famous girls that died at the age of 26..She was the 3rd, if i’m not mistaken. This awful tendency has started with gorgeous hollywood bombshell of 30’s – Jean Harlow who died of renal failure, the next victim of sudden death was 60s actress and model, a wife of Roman Polanski – Sharon Tate, who was killed by followers of Charles Manson. I don’t know why, but this trilogy seems so strange…If maybe you (my dear reader) know more on this theme – i hope you can share your knowledges.
Now back to Gia Marie she completely captured me with her “singularity in fashion” and her very very sad story. Everybody knew this uncommon girl as Gia when she breaked into the world of high-fashion as a hurricane at the age of 17. Looking like a tomboy with a knife in her pocket, she came to Wilhelmina Cooper model agency and become a number one model in the end of 70s. Everybody wanted her on the cover on their magazines. But fame wasn’t a number one goal for Gia, she was looking for more..she was looking for someone who’ll love her for who she is, she was looking for understanding. But even her beauty, talent and deep inner world never brought her happyness. Problems in family, perhaps, made her too sensitive for this cruel world. Loss of her close friend Wilhemina Cooper also was a big shock for Gia, that likely pulled her to the edge..and falling into the abyss was her affection to heroin, that ended up with her death at the age of 26. She was the first famous woman in U.S.A. to die of AIDS.
Knowing that she is to die soon, Gia wrote in her diary: “Life and death, energy and peace. If I stop today it was still worth it. Even the terrible mistakes that I made and would have unmade if I could. The pains that have burned me and scarred my soul, it was worth it, for having been allowed to walk where I’ve walked, which was to hell on earth, heaven on earth, back again, into, under, far in between, through it, in it, and above.”
And no doubt she was a very talented person who could have had much more brighter future. She wanted to learn photography and have kids, but in the end she said: “I think God has a plan for me, but I don`t think it`s in this life.”..
Facts about Gia:
*She was born in Philadelphia on 29 January, 1960.
*She had italian bloods in her veins from her father & irish and welsh from her mother.
*Gia was known to be a bisexual.
*Carangi was a regular at Studio 54 and the Mudd Club. She usually used cocaine in clubs, but later began to develop a heroin addiction.
* Gia was romanticly linked to her make-up assistant Sandy Linter.
*Carangi did her first major shoot with top fashion photographer Chris von Wangenheim.
*Gia’s body measurements were: (US) 34-24-35/(EU) 86.5-61-89; height 5’7″ (170 cm).
* Cindy Crawford, who also appeared on the covers of fashion publications during her time, was later referred to as “Baby Gia” due to her resemblance to Carangi.
Films about Gia:
*”Thing Of Beauty” 1993’s bio
*”The Self-Destruction of Gia” documentary
*”GIA” HBO movie staring Angelina Jolie as Gia.
Interesting Links:

Phylosophy of Life

Today..and 48 hours before was a hard time for me as i was widening the bounds of my thought. To be more precise i was preparing myself for phylosophy examination. Unluckily,  i’ve missed one lecture by reason of my malady. That wasn’t a good excuse for phylosophy professor so i had to read one extra book to pass that examination. By that moment i’ve already read Plato’s ” Apology of Socrates“, “Theaetetus” and ” Phaedrus“; Immanuel Kant “Answer to the Question: What is Enlightenment?“; russian phylosopher A.V. Ahutin..But professor insisted on reading one more book (especially for me, who missed one of his lectures) – the book of russian professor of phylosophy and philology – V.V. Bibihin “The Language of Phylosophy” which is not less than 400 pages of pure phylosophic thought. I had to days to read it. And you know, i’ve read it. Whithout sleeping. It was really difficult for unprepared reader, but though very interesting. In the process i got that it’s peerless pleasure to understand in yourself the essence of things. I’m really into phylosophy now. And it was so notibly nice when he said that i am “gifted student”.
Unfortunately this gifted student has to pass exam on russian literature (end of 19th century) tomorrow, having no time to prepare!!! Ohhh, God, please give me a chance!

Givenchy Haute Couture

To say that i like what i see is to say nothing. I’m wholly mesmerized by Givenchy, especially the haute couture collections. Long long ago i’ve grasped that fashion starts on the edge of functionality. High fashion. Images that passed through the inner world of the designer are now embodied in his models. This is not only a gown, it’s the idea, an image and sometimes even more. No more words..

Spring 2011 Haute Couture was inspired by culture of Japan

Song to a Siren…

I have a long lasting love-affair with a song. The song is called “A song to the siren” performed by This Mortal Coil. It was a long long time ago when i was 11 year-old kid, collecting records and interesting films, that were phohibited to me by my parents. And one day i went to that market near my appartments and bought Lynch’s “Lost Highway” (though it was a bit heavy for my mind back then..). While watching the film it was like “Bang” and i’ve heard the song, i was hypnotized by that voice. I’ve remembered each word. I went to the store again to buy a soundtrack. But i didn’t found the song on the official OST. And i got very very sad cause i even didn’t know the name of the band or anything that could help me in finding it. At the same time i was lurning to play guitar with an amazing teacher. Once he brought me a casette with Cocteau Twins “Blue Bell Know” and “Four Calendar Cafe” on it. I fell in love with the band. At that time i had no internet in here. And it was impossible to buy and download music with i-net. 7 years later. I got to the Cd store to buy some records and found a Mp3 Cd of Cocteau Twins (the bonus was This Mortal Coil’s album). I was increadibly happy to listen to their other albums. And you know what when i’ve heard that song again i almost felt unconscious. That’s how i finally found it.)))

Later i’ve decided to translate it into russian, for people who maybe can’t understand the original it is..

В бескрайнем и диком океане
Я не мог уловить улыбки на губах,
Пока твои поющие глаза и нежные пальцы
Ни заманили меня своими чарами..
И ты пела “плыви сюда, плыви ко мне,
позволь мне заполнить тебя”
И вот он я, падаю в эту бездну..
Мечтал ли я, что ты мечтаешь обо мне?
Была ли ты рядом, когда я плавал вслепую?
Теперь моя обманутая лодка поймала крен, любовь разбилась о твои камни..
Ты поешь “не прикасайся, приходи завтра..”
И мое сердце разрывается от тоски..
Я озадачен как младенец, опутан твоими чарами,
Вспенен как океан, как волны..
Должен ли я бороться с судьбой разбившихся
или отдаться в твои руки.
Услышь как я пою “плыви ко мне, плыви ко мне, заполни меня.
И вот он я, готов поддаться твоим чарам.”

Regina Spector

Pasternaks “February” sounds magic in Reginas song “Apres Moi”.
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