Farewell Queen Elizabeth T.

The other day i’ve red her story. She was fabulous, fascinating, graceful heartbreaker who smiled to us from the other side of blue screen. But also she was a person..a person who i’ve never knew, but a person i’d like to know. I think she was a kind of teacher for a few generations of girls and women. Today she passed away. Elizatheth Taylor. I wish she’ll have a new glorious life in another world. RIP Liz (February 27, 1932 – March 23, 2011).

Fragility of Things…

Last night i could’t sleep. My heart was dancing magic beats despite my will. I took two pills to calm down. But that strange feeling didn’t want to escape. My eyes were red and dry. When i felt on my bed in the morning..nightmares were following me. And later i heard the news..about a huge earthquake in Japan. I always turn everything off when i hear something that tragic. I guess, many people do the same. Our world, where we live is so fragile, even sometimes it seem powerfull. And when i look from far above when i’m walking in the clouds of my dreams i see people changing..i’m watching them opening their eyes. It’s hard to imagine WHAT is going on THERE from our cosy appartments. But i feel the pain. Like the part of me is dying and i’m sitting and watching it and there is nothing i could do.
I think we should do our best to show much love to THIS PLANET and all humanity..so frail. And do our best to help the suffering. Even if we are not there.

There’s always something we can do…CHECK OUT THIS