..To Get My Rocks Off..)

That’s how i’m loosing my writing skills..since i’ve passed my examinations at the university this February i had almost two weeks for myself..just to horse around, see friends, do some little things i never really have time for, get back to writing lyrics, listen to all those music i’ve downloaded and many other pleasant things. My mind has cleared up a bit. Now it’s time to look for a job..haha until next June (when i’ll be passing my exams again). Wow, i wasn’t supposed to say all that..I just wanted to show you guys some pictures i’ve took as a photographer and make-up artist with the help of my friend Uliana (who had her first experience as a model) while we were hanging around at my appartment cause it was so damn cold outside. Don’t be too strict in judjing our professional skills – we’re not magicians, we’re only studying!)

This is my friend Uliana, who’ve been a good model for me. Ice & Fire – all in one! In life she loves rock music, but for first hours of shooting she patiently played a role of good girl even she never felt like beeing one..)
Luckily for us, i’ve already had in mind another role for Uliana – something between Keith Richrds, Janis Joplin and maybe someone like Courtney. So the main thing here was a good inspiring playlist..that provided us with the right atmosphere. Talking about the details, it’s pretty easy to recreate an image of rockstar if you own a couple guitars, leather jackets, flares or skinny jeans, lipsticks and black eyeliners…and of course..the spirit of rock’n’roll boiling in your veins!
i believe everybody knows how to make a hairstyle a-la “i’ve just got out of my bed”.., don’t you? There are many different methods, indeed. If anyone interested in mine, see, it’s one of the easiest. For a more subdued morning look, comb your hair wax or gel through the top layers of your hair and then continuously lift these layers up and out until they look separated, full and messy. Apply hairspray to keep the layers from going flat. For a wilder look, comb the product through your hair with your head and hair down toward the ground. Grab chunks of hair with your hands and tousle them by swirling each chunk around in circles. Let go, lift your head and apply hairspray. These styles work best with naturally drying hair. However, if you’re going to use a hairdryer, hold one hand flat against your hair and continuously tousle and swirl it as you dry, so that it does not dry straight or in one direction. 
 Looks like Jerry Hall met young Madonna!

As a Jack Nicholson..

Here is a breathtaking picture i’ve found while visiting my friend for her Birthday party. Marina Marinina is a talented photographer from Saint-Petersburg, Russia. But this time she changed a role and you can see this beautiful lady being captured by her lil sister while bathing..Someone says it looks like some Jack Nicholson shoots..You know, it’s always..such a pleasure to be surrounded by creative & radiant people.

Phylosophy of Life

Today..and 48 hours before was a hard time for me as i was widening the bounds of my thought. To be more precise i was preparing myself for phylosophy examination. Unluckily,  i’ve missed one lecture by reason of my malady. That wasn’t a good excuse for phylosophy professor so i had to read one extra book to pass that examination. By that moment i’ve already read Plato’s ” Apology of Socrates“, “Theaetetus” and ” Phaedrus“; Immanuel Kant “Answer to the Question: What is Enlightenment?“; russian phylosopher A.V. Ahutin..But professor insisted on reading one more book (especially for me, who missed one of his lectures) – the book of russian professor of phylosophy and philology – V.V. Bibihin “The Language of Phylosophy” which is not less than 400 pages of pure phylosophic thought. I had to days to read it. And you know, i’ve read it. Whithout sleeping. It was really difficult for unprepared reader, but though very interesting. In the process i got that it’s peerless pleasure to understand in yourself the essence of things. I’m really into phylosophy now. And it was so notibly nice when he said that i am “gifted student”.
Unfortunately this gifted student has to pass exam on russian literature (end of 19th century) tomorrow, having no time to prepare!!! Ohhh, God, please give me a chance!

Happy New Year

My Dear Readers and Viewers, you must really know how much i love you guys! And I’m wishing you …Happy New 2011 Year! It’s been  1 year anniversary of my blog on 22d dec 2010. I’ve been too busy to post anything..I hope in the New Year i’ll be able  to post more recent and suprise you somehow! Champagne was good and i’m sure i’ll surprise someone esle too as well, but you know i’m from Mars and Venus is my second Mother Earth!)) Haha. Be Happy, Loved, Inspired and always stay CREATIVE!)

And this is a little Christmas Tree i’ve made for You and for Myself this Year!)))


 it’s getting difficult to wake up early in the morning..huh!?
 And outside..is so much colder.
 That’s why someone prefer to stay in bed a little bit longer 😉
 Getting Lighter
 slow motions
 horrifying and beau at the same time

The Eye Of Summer

Lately i’ve posted some photos..that i like, but that wasn’t the pictures i’ve taken. This time it’ll be a different story. A little the end of summer/the beginning of autumn novel captured by my Blackberry’s camera. This is not something serious or professional, just the moments..All action’s happening in St-Petersburg, Russia. Staring my friends, myself and some random people too. Let’s go..

the walls are talking
This Grandma lives in my hood. So Lovely.
This is where young boys spend most of their free time
 AM hours on balcony
blue heat
 little dog’s blues
comic dyed eyebrows of mine
the luna park’s scared girl 
 where the magic happens – you grow younger!

She is…
not dreaming
some people think she’s my big sister, but actually she is..)))
ex-ballet dancer
and this is her daughter, and, yup, i still act like a kid sometimes
flower car
evening water looks mysterious
as i’m waiting for my Latte
but she prefer red wine
it’s been raining
and i breathe the smell of wet pavement..and i catch the lights of lonely taxi..it looks so blue. it’s a perfect time for writing songs and making love..or just walking as i did.
hello autumn, bye bye summer
September 5th, Sunday Up Market, I like this plastic-glass-lamp.
In process of creativity. The same place.The same time.
The Dress. Sunday Up Market.

dog’s morning

everlasting gaze

department store can be fun, but i don’t like them

catching reflection in far away bathroom

Rainbows & Rain Doves

Sata is hot!

Dressing up  like a widow

An Autunm That Came Too Soon

Girlfriends reunited

Staring at the PHOTO-Ooops!

The Gallery Gal

Hmmm…What do I want? Cocoa or a ginger tea with milk?