Marnie Weber

This post wasn’t supposed to happen if I haven’t found this wonderful artist in a DrollGirl blog. Marnie Weber and her art works totally captured my mind. This is what i call LOVE FROM THE FIRST SIGHT. Dark, gloomy, mysterious, macabre, radiant pieces of art. You can think on their meaning, you can just enjoy them.
I’ve never heard of this contemporary artist before. And i must have missed something special. Marnie Weber (born 1959) lives and works in LA. Her work includes photography, collage, sculpture, costume, installations, film, video,  performances and music. She performed and recorded with such bands as “The Party Boys” (as a bass player) and “The Perfect Me”. Marnie released two solo albums, Woman with Bass, 1994 and Cry for Happy, 1996, both recorded as “Marnie”. Her work is also featured on the cover of the 1998 Sonic Youth album “A Thousand Leaves”.


  • Much of Weber’s visual art revolves around a recurring cast of characters. An animal often found in her work is the bear, which is linked to the Greek goddess Artemis. These characters, among others, are placed in “vividly colorful environment[s]”,ornate, Empire style interiors or dark, dense, eerie landscapes. Her work most often focuses on the adventures of women, which sometimes take the form of half-human, half-animal hybrids with bodies cut from pornographic magazines, and other times, pale-faced, folksy ghosts known as “Spirit Girls”
  • The Spirit Girls is the name of Marnie Weber’s alt-rock musical group and also refers to a group of characters that are found in her art. “[They] are the specters of five adolescents, killed in their prime, who come back to the real world to ‘express things they weren’t able to express’ while they were alive.”
 Here are some of her MAGIC works

The next few pictures are from “The Campfire Song” video

For more visit Marnie Weber Official Web-Site

Farewell Queen Elizabeth T.

The other day i’ve red her story. She was fabulous, fascinating, graceful heartbreaker who smiled to us from the other side of blue screen. But also she was a person..a person who i’ve never knew, but a person i’d like to know. I think she was a kind of teacher for a few generations of girls and women. Today she passed away. Elizatheth Taylor. I wish she’ll have a new glorious life in another world. RIP Liz (February 27, 1932 – March 23, 2011).

Sadden glissando strings..

The most beautiful and mysterious lyrics.
I turn this tune quietly
I dance and play
I whirl and I pretend 
I am someone else
In and Out of this World David Bowie – Aladdin Sane

Watching him dash away, swinging an old bouquet – dead roses
Sake and strange divine Uh-hu-hu-uh-hu-hu you’ll make it
Passionate bright young things, takes him away to war – don’t fake it
Sadden glissando strings
Uh-hu-hu-uh-hu-hu – you’ll make it

Who’ll love Aladdin Sane
Battle cries and champagne just in time for sunrise
Who’ll love Aladdin Sane

Motor sensational, Paris or maybe hell – (I’m waiting)
Clutches of sad remains
Waits for Aladdin Sane – you’ll make it

Oooh Who’ll love Aladdin Sane
Millions weep a fountain, just in case of sunrise
Oooh Who’ll love Aladdin Sane

We’ll love Aladdin Sane
Love Aladdin Sane

Oooh Who’ll love Aladdin Sane
Millions weep a fountain, just in case of sunrise
Oooh Who’ll love Aladdin Sane

We’ll love Aladdin Sane
We’ll love Aladdin Sane

Oooh Who’ll love Aladdin Sane
Millions weep a fountain, just in case of sunrise
Oooh Who’ll love Aladdin Sane

We’ll love Aladdin Sane
Who’ll love Aladdin Sane

See the lights shine oh so bright on Broadway

Fragility of Things…

Last night i could’t sleep. My heart was dancing magic beats despite my will. I took two pills to calm down. But that strange feeling didn’t want to escape. My eyes were red and dry. When i felt on my bed in the morning..nightmares were following me. And later i heard the news..about a huge earthquake in Japan. I always turn everything off when i hear something that tragic. I guess, many people do the same. Our world, where we live is so fragile, even sometimes it seem powerfull. And when i look from far above when i’m walking in the clouds of my dreams i see people changing..i’m watching them opening their eyes. It’s hard to imagine WHAT is going on THERE from our cosy appartments. But i feel the pain. Like the part of me is dying and i’m sitting and watching it and there is nothing i could do.
I think we should do our best to show much love to THIS PLANET and all frail. And do our best to help the suffering. Even if we are not there.

There’s always something we can do…CHECK OUT THIS

Inspiration Icon: Lily Cole

Young (22 year old), gorgeous british model Lily Cole is a great example for young girls to follow as she’s not only a famous model but also promising actress (“Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus“, “There Be Dragons“, “St. Trinian’s“). New Generation Rocks! Her alien-face and Aphrodite-curved body are unbelievable!

 Stunning make-up by the way

David Bowie

It’s not a secret that Bowie has always been the great source of my inspirations. I tell you even more – he’s the one i wore on my self-styled t-shirt though i never wore musicians on my clothes, i’m fine with them playing out of my record player. One more example of person/artist who’s perfect at anytime. My parents were listening to his music, some younger musician were inspired by Bowie and now so am i. There is no time between us, really. By the way..he’s not only a great musician, ..but a great showman and actor as well. Mmm, Ziggy Stardust, even you were young and green back in the days.. David Bowie- Heroes

Let’s watch him through the flow of time..
P.S. What about your favourite Bowie?)

The Young London Boy
1967 Bowie
Hunky Dory Bowie
 Bowie with his newborn son Zowie 1971
Bowie as a Ziggy Stardust Live 1972
 Ziggy Stardust
One more Ziggy
Aladdin Sane
Bowie as a Dimond Dog
The Jean Genie Bowie
 Aladdine Sane
 The Thin White Duke Bowie (1974-76)
 The Thin White Duke
 The Thin White Duke Bowie (1974-76)
  The Thin White Duke Bowie (1974-76)
A Man Who Fell To Earth (1976)
Thomas Jerome Newton as A Man Who Fell To Earth (1976)
 Thomas Jerome Newton (1976)
1977’s Bowie
 Ashes To Ashes
China Girl’s Bowie (80’s)
Cracked Actor
The Older Guy (90’s or 00’s)



 David with supermoder Kate Moss in  “Q” Magazine 2003

 with his beautiful wife Iman (nowadays)

..To Get My Rocks Off..)

That’s how i’m loosing my writing skills..since i’ve passed my examinations at the university this February i had almost two weeks for myself..just to horse around, see friends, do some little things i never really have time for, get back to writing lyrics, listen to all those music i’ve downloaded and many other pleasant things. My mind has cleared up a bit. Now it’s time to look for a job..haha until next June (when i’ll be passing my exams again). Wow, i wasn’t supposed to say all that..I just wanted to show you guys some pictures i’ve took as a photographer and make-up artist with the help of my friend Uliana (who had her first experience as a model) while we were hanging around at my appartment cause it was so damn cold outside. Don’t be too strict in judjing our professional skills – we’re not magicians, we’re only studying!)

This is my friend Uliana, who’ve been a good model for me. Ice & Fire – all in one! In life she loves rock music, but for first hours of shooting she patiently played a role of good girl even she never felt like beeing one..)
Luckily for us, i’ve already had in mind another role for Uliana – something between Keith Richrds, Janis Joplin and maybe someone like Courtney. So the main thing here was a good inspiring playlist..that provided us with the right atmosphere. Talking about the details, it’s pretty easy to recreate an image of rockstar if you own a couple guitars, leather jackets, flares or skinny jeans, lipsticks and black eyeliners…and of course..the spirit of rock’n’roll boiling in your veins!
i believe everybody knows how to make a hairstyle a-la “i’ve just got out of my bed”.., don’t you? There are many different methods, indeed. If anyone interested in mine, see, it’s one of the easiest. For a more subdued morning look, comb your hair wax or gel through the top layers of your hair and then continuously lift these layers up and out until they look separated, full and messy. Apply hairspray to keep the layers from going flat. For a wilder look, comb the product through your hair with your head and hair down toward the ground. Grab chunks of hair with your hands and tousle them by swirling each chunk around in circles. Let go, lift your head and apply hairspray. These styles work best with naturally drying hair. However, if you’re going to use a hairdryer, hold one hand flat against your hair and continuously tousle and swirl it as you dry, so that it does not dry straight or in one direction. 
 Looks like Jerry Hall met young Madonna!